The Robots are taking over!
High quality coffee is, by its very nature, a craft. So when we start automating some of the process, this can seem like a step towards mass production and away from artisanal workmanship. But as humans we are not good at precise, repetitive tasks - take the loaf of bread as an example - never before has a slice of bread been more uniform, it has even coined a phrase. So look at a coffee tamping machine in the same way, helping you to be more accurate and consistent whilst allowing you to hone your many other coffee skills.
Whether you are a home enthusiast, budding barista or full-on coffee geek - you are more than likely human. Which means compressing coffee perfectly level and to the right pressure every time, is nigh-on impossible. With the PT2 by Cinoart, all those inconsistencies are taken away removing variables from espresso preparation.
Unless you are blessed with more than two hands, hand-tamping is a resource heavy part of the process. With the PT2, you can be hands-free, enabling you to manage other areas your espresso preparation and speed up the whole process.
If you find it difficult to hold a tamp or exert pressure on your wrists, then the PT2 Auto-tamp might be the answer to your inner aspiring Barista. We believe that anyone should have access to perfectly prepared espresso.
It’s rare, but its there - RSI in your coffee making arm otherwise known as Barista-elbow, is something that can effect people regularly compressing coffee hundreds of times a day. Although it is less common in the home enthusiast, you are better safe than sorry.